Guidance for Users on Governance and Good Practices for the management of Competition Law requirements in operating facilities.

The JIG CORE PRINCIPLES are the foundations of the work done by the JIG Common Processes Committee. Originally developed to support the activities of Joint Ventures, they are appropriate for any User wishing to adopt operating practices to support their alignment with Competition Law.

Competition Law – and potential unintentional breaches – is always a factor when a single operator or joint venture has to handle sensitive commercial information in order to carry out its daily operations. The Core Principles give guidance on how this information, labelled “Sensitive Information” should be handled by the operator. The guidelines include such measures as aggregating information, ensuring there are firewalls between operations and commercial activities and defining clear qualification criteria for Board Members of operating companies.

Available Core Principles documentation includes

CORE PRINCIPLES : Document containing the key guidelines for adoption by operators to ensure that potentially sensitive data is handled by operators in conformity with the expectations of applicable laws, in particular Competition Law. and Training Guides.

STANDARD FORMS : Standard Forms and Agreements are provided to manage interactions with Third Parties, as well as example Board resolutions.

CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENTS: For application with any third parties operating on or visting the site – including the confidentiality agreement that governs JIG Inspections.

TRAINING PACKS : Tailored for Management, Employees or Operators to summarise their obligations under Competition Law.

IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE : For managers and operators adoppting the Core Principles at their site for the first time.

COMPLIANCE AUDIT : Self-Audit documents for sites wishing to review the adequacy of their current practices.

All documents can be downloaded from the Policies tab of the Standards and Publications page. You can also use the filter to narrow down the available choices. Some of the key documents are also available in translation.