Standards & Publications

Filter Monitor Transition update [Sept 2019]
Announces delays in the Field Trial programme and consequently the continued listing of Filter Monitors in the Standards beyond the end of 2020.
  • Category: Technical Newsletter
  • Tags: Public, Still Live

The industry is following a roadmap to phase out the use of SAP-based Filter Monitors.

Delays in technology development have prevented the Joint Industry group from making the expected progress on Field Trial evaluation of replacement technologies.

This Technical Newsletter intends to inform users of Filter Monitors (FM) of delays in the development of possible new replacement technologies for FM. Consequently, despite the impending withdrawal of EI 1583, the continued use of FM cannot be entirely phased out before the end of year 2020 as originally anticipated by the industry. It is therefore unavoidable that the use of FM will continue in JIG Standards for an interim period beyond 2020. In this transition period, all actions defined in JIG Bulletin 105 shall be strictly adhered to for all FM systems still in use.
JIG will continue to review and update its position in the light of developments and assessment of new technology and in coordination with all key industry stakeholders and will be communicating quarterly status updates.

Current status of field trisl is given, as well as a list of non-SAP technologies accepted in the Standards.